Tips for budgeting your business

It’s a business 101 to figure out how to spend the money to grow your business before applying for loans. A well-planned business budget can be the foundation of your business. Maintaining your budget for every aspect of your business holds the key to turn your dream for a successful business to reality. Reviewing your business budget regularly can help you to track your money, business expenses and make necessary adjustments.

The following article will emphasize why you should plan on creating a budget for your business and all the tips you need to keep in mind. A detailed business budget will give you a lot of insights into how your business is running and will help you to understand the cash flow better.

Research all business cost before making a budget plan:

To create a business budget, the first thing you need to do is research all the expenses surrounding the business. Any business foundation is its capital. Research the cost so it doesn’t catch you off guard. The unexpected cost will set you off the track. You will be unable to achieve your goal. If in the middle of running your business you realize you need more money then you will have no other choice but to reduce your profit. This will put you in a position to figure out how to increase the revenue and profit to meet the high expenses.

Your business budget needs to facilitate both variable cost and fixed cost. Your rent, utilities, salaries, phone, internet, legal fees, advertising & marketing, accountant and technology, all these fall into a fixed cost. Even to reduce expenses you cannot cut your fixed costs. Variable cost includes things like cost of materials, commissions or labor cost.

Include marketing cost, unexpected cost, startup cost and variables cost in the budget plan. Research to make a better budget plan to operate your business. This way you can operate your business effortlessly without facing the unexpected financial crisis.

A business budget plan is important to forecast project revenues:

Your gross margin profit reflects your business success. It refers to the money you have after paying for all the business costs. Make sure your total cost does not exceed the total revenue. Otherwise, you will be in debt even when you make thousands of dollar in the total revenue.

You must spend your money wisely and cut all the expenses that have zero effect on the sales. There is a formula to improve your gross margin profit. List the cost of the goods sold and subtract the sales revenue cost.

When you take all the cost into consideration you allow yourself to understand how well your business is running. By following these steps to create a budget for your business, you will be able to increase the profit and as well as reduce the cost.

Create a year-long cash flow projection:  

Try to make a plan about how your business is going to generate money for a year. This way you can make a budget with all the expected projections that can happen during a 12-month period. When you make a detailed budget plan like this, you can control how much money you will spend on a month-to-month basis. You can also have access to spend more on the months that brings in more customers than on the months that bring in the fewer customers.

Include unreliable factors in the budget plan:  

You will always have few customers who make payment beyond the stated terms which will affect your cash flow. No cash flow means no profit. The missed payment will catch you off guard and will make you unable to pay for your own payments on time.

So when you are creating a budget plan make sure you are including the unreliable customers and make a budget for your business that has the ability to deal with these unexpected costs effectively. There will always be customers who won’t be able to make a payment due to their financial crisis. However, you must have a plan that includes how to keep these customers under control. Otherwise, they will make a habit of not paying their due on time.

Understand economic and industry trends:  

Your business budget must include things like economic and industry trends. You will have to deal with factors of economy and everything that happens in the industry. If you are prepared to adapt to any changes then you can operate your business without any difficulty. This way you change the pricing of your product to match the business production and industry.

Whenever a financial crisis breaks out within the industry, you can easily reduce the price of the product and increase the price if a new development occurs. Your business budget must include this so you can be prepared for the economic and industrial growth.

Spend wisely to cope with your business budget:

You must know where you should be spending your money. This attitude will indicate how good you are to maintain your budget. Do not spend money on thing that doesn’t help to grow your business. For example, spending thousands of dollar on decorating won’t grow your revenue. On the other hand, spending your money on marketing your product to give your business more exposure will help to grow your business and increase the total revenue.

Negotiate with your suppliers:

Negotiating with your suppliers to reduce the costs and also to make a delayed payment is always a good idea. Sometimes you might become unable to pay for the materials or services, then negotiating a delayed payment can help to save your business from running to the grounds.

So make a deal with your suppliers that will benefit both of you. You can offer for an advancement when you have the money at hand and ask for a discount in return when you make a large purchase. Always look for loopholes to reduce the costs and make more money.

Prioritize investments:

You need to make a budget that spends in the right sectors. Whatever factors in business are helping your business to grow should be your only focus. It can be spending the money on buying software, compensating your stuff, training them or even hiring a consultant. So you should be able to prioritize what type of spending will bring a return on investment and what type wouldn’t. Depending on the current situation, you will have to decide what type of investment you want to make for growing your business.

Regular budget review:

Review your business budget often to keep track of your progress. Many businesses fail to follow their predetermined budget plan because they don’t review it on a daily basis. They only review it when they have to make a big financial decision. To grow your business as much as possible, you must review your budget often so that you can make necessary adjustments to your budget plan. Hold budget reviewing meeting every 4 months. Spot the unproductivity in the system and reduce it and ask for advice from your accountants and business consultant.

Monitor and manage your profit and loss:

When you make a budget plan for every month, you can easily keep track of your profit or loss. Regularly monitoring your budget against results will get you real insights about how your business is running and whether you are achieving your goals or not.

So every month sit down with your accountants and compare your budget with the result, analyze any variance and categories them.

Have a backup plan:

Your business might face a lawsuit and lose a lot of money or experience a sudden customer loss. To deal with such setbacks you must have a backup plan to set your business on the right track. In this case, a savings plan within your budget will help to operate your business during the rainy days. Without planning ahead, your business will stop performing like before and will continue to lose money, customer, quality, and reputation. So think for the worse and make a foolproof budget plan that works for your business.

Creating a monthly business budget plan may sound like a lot of work. But it’s essential to build a better infrastructure. Your detailed budget plan will help you to make a quick financial decision and help your business to stay on track and grow exponentially.  

If you are just starting out your business then you won’t be able to compare your budget plan with previous work. In that case, research the amount of money you will need to spend to establish the business and use estimates in your budget rather than just comparing with the average previous expenses.

If you don’t know how to create a business budget, you can take help from Microsoft. They offer free downloadable budget templates. Their template includes budget for small business, an expense budget, a website budget tool and an annual operating budget for a service business. Winmark Business Solutions offers a free downloadable cash flow budget worksheet. BetterBudgeting also has a free budgeting worksheet. Docstoc is a marketplace that lets anyone find and share professional documents. They also offer an assortment of free printable budget worksheets to try.